Secure SHell 2.4.0
This page covers installing and configuring Secure Shell version 2.4. You can obtain the latest source and a client for Windoze
from You can download a client for free providing you are an individual
who is using ssh for your personal use and not for any kind of profit.
- Put the new source in a directory to decompress and untar (I used /home/admin, but you can use any directory)
- Next change to the directory, decompress/Untar the source, and change to the new ssh-2.4.0 directory.
suse:/ # cd /home/admin
suse:/home/admin # gzip -cd ssh-2.4.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
suse:/home/admin# cd ssh-2.4.0
- Run ./configure to set the environment options for your server. You can specify options
to use with ./configure, such as setting installation directories and disabling or enabling support for certain elements.
suse:/home/admin/ssh-2.4.0 # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
- Compile the source and read the README while you wait.
suse:/home/admin/ssh-2.4.0 # make
- Install the compiled binaries. (You need to be root to install the system binaries) This sets everything up and creates the host key.
suse:/home/admin/ssh-2.4.0 # make install
- After the binaries are installed, you need to create a startup script to start ssh every time the computer starts. You can run sshd2 from inetd or you can start it directly with a script, in the /etc/rc.d directory, like the one below called ssh2 (/etc/rc.d/ssh2).
#! /bin/sh
# Script to start SSH2 Daemon
if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/sshd2 ]; then
echo -n " sshd "
# end script
Next create a symbolic link in /etc/rc.d/rc*.d (replace * with the run level for full network support)
suse:/etc/rc.d/rc2.d # ln -s ../ssh2 S15sshd2
- The installation of the daemon is complete.
Client Access
Basic steps for the client connections:
- Read user and system configuration files.
- First reads user configuration files located in $HOME/.ssh2
- If none exist in the directory, the Secure Shell client looks at the system-wide configuration settings stored in /etc/ssh2/ssh_config
- If that file doesn't exist, the client sets up some defaults such as the username (uses client's local hostname)
- Negotiates connection.
- The $HOME/ssh2 directory is created if it doesn't exist on the local host.
- This also creates several files for the user, such as the private and public key pairs and the random seed for the user.
- Authenticates user account (against public key, password, rhosts or any combination thereof).
- The key pair is exchanged and if it is successful a connection is established.
- When the connection is established, the private key is removed from memory in case of a core dump.
- The only event that is logged is the the connection attempt unless otherwise specified in the ssh_config file.
- Forks process (if running in the background).
- Run on a TTY or standard input, depending on the type of connection.
- Close connection.
- You can exit from the server and end the session by exiting from the client.
- When the session is closed, the connection to the server is severed.
Connecting to a ssh server using the Linux client for the first time.
admin@suse:~ > ssh suse
Host key not found from database.
Key fingerprint:
You can get a public key's fingerprint by running
% ssh-keygen -F
on the keyfile.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Host key saved to /home/admin/.ssh2/hostkeys/
host key for suse, accepted by admin Wed May 30 2001 13:01:29 -0600
admin's password:
Authentication successful.
Last login: Wed May 30 2001 13:00:46 -0600 from
No mail.
admin@suse:~ > exit
Connection to suse closed.
Second connection after the keys are generated and stored in /home/admin/.ssh2/hostkeys
admin@suse:~ > ssh suse
admin's password:
Authentication successful.
Last login: Wed May 30 2001 13:10:29 -0600 from
No mail.
admin@suse:~ >