Using a Concurrent Versions System
This page will cover using a Concurrent Versions System (CVS) on a Linux server. CVS comes standard with practically
every modern Linux/Unix distribution. The Linux distribution being used in this example is SuSE 7.2, but any distribution with
CVS will work.
This HowTo is meant to be used after setting up a CVS server, but can be used to access any CVS server
where the user has an account. The examples provided here will show how to log in to a CVS server, create a new project, download
the project, and make updates to the project.
Logging into a CVS server only has to be done once (a file called .cvspass is created in the home directory to verify user
authentication), but the repository has to be specified every time. The following shows how to specify the CVSROOT
repository and log in to set the user's password (this will be the default repository unless one is specified with -d ):
export CVSROOT
These two lines allow a user to use the same repository every time without specifying it. These two lines can be set in .bashrc
if the user is using a bash shell (try echo $SHELL to determine the shell type).
To log in to a CVS server for the first time, you will need to run the CVS login command. The following command is an
example of a log in to a local server:
# cvs -d :pserver:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository login
CVS password:
# (returns nothing for successful log in)
Logging into a remote server can be done with an external connection method such as rsh or ssh. I would recommend using ssh
as it is more secure, but will have to be installed and configured if not already installed on the system. In the following commands,
the first line sets the ext method to ssh (these commands can also be added to .bashrc), while the second command can be used to run CVS
commands (in place of CVS_COMMAND) on a remote server (ext access doesn't require an authenticated log in as pserver does,
just a system log in -i.e. a valid user account):
# CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository CVS_COMMAND
When using ssh as the ext (external) access method, the user will have to log in via ssh every time a CVS command is run on a remote
The following command will import a project into a local repository. The -d option isn't used since the repository to use
has already been specified and exported as CVSROOT in the user's .bashrc file in their home directory.
# cvs import -m "Initial message" PROJECTNAME USERNAME start
Note that the -m (message) option is mandatory for importing a project into the repository and is associated with the action in the log
If a project is to be imported onto a remote CVS server, use the second line from number three in logging into a CVS server
above. Just the -d option from the command will go in the cvs command between cvs and import as in the following:
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository import \
-m "message" PROJECTNAME USERNAME start
--importing files will commence upon successful login--
To check out a working copy of the project, the CVS checkout command will be used. This command does just
what it implies -downloads (checks out) a working copy of the project, which can be edited with necessary changes. You should be
in the directory where you want the files to be stored before running the checkout command. The next section will
cover uploading the changes you make, but the command to download a working copy is:
# cvs checkout PROJECTNAME
This is assuming that the -d (CVSROOT) option is set in the user's .bashrc file and that the project to be checked out is named
PROJECTNAME. Therefore, if you want to download a project, you will have to specify the repository with the -d option.
Before changes are uploaded to the repository, any changes in the repositories project should be synchronized with your checked-out
copy to ensure that everything is updated. The CVS update command does this synchronization; it not only gets updates from
the repository and merges them into your copy, but it can also notify you of which local files have changed.
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository update
cvs server: Updating .
U README22.txt
cvs server: Updating docs
cvs server: Updating docs/scripts
cvs server: Updating source
cvs server: Updating source/images
This output shows that no changes have occurred.
In the next step a file named README.txt is modified and the update command is run again; the M in the margin signifies
that the file has been modified locally. After updating, the file is the changes are then committed to the repository along with a
message of the changes.
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository update
cvs server: Updating .
cvs server: Updating docs
cvs server: Updating docs/scripts
cvs server: Updating source
cvs server: Updating source/images
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository commit \
-m "Fixed line spacing" README.txt
Checking in README.txt;
/usr/local/cvs/soar/README.txt,v <-- README.txt
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
Now the README.txt file has been changed locally and its changes have been merged into the master copy in the repository. Other
developers can get these modifications to the README.txt file by running the update command.
In this section, a new file and directory will be added to the project and the repository. A file called testfile and a
directory called test/ will be added. The commands to add the test/ directory locally and to the project are as follows:
# mkdir test
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository add test
Directory /usr/local/cvs/soar/test added to the repository
The commands to add testfile locally and to the project are as follows:
# touch testfile
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository add testfile
cvs server: scheduling file `testfile' for addition
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository commit \
-m "added testfile" testfile
RCS file: /usr/local/cvs/soar/testfile,v
Checking in testfile;
/usr/local/cvs/soar/testfile,v <-- testfile
initial revision: 1.1
The first block of commands creates a directory, named test, locally and adds it to the project in the repository. The next block
of commands creates a blank file called testfile, adds it to the repository, and then commits the change.
To remove a file from the repository, the file must first be removed from the local file system and then removed from the repository
with the CVS remove command. Once the file has been removed from the local file system and from the repository, the changes
have to be committed. The following commands show how to remove a file named testfile from a project.
# rm testfile
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository remove testfile
cvs server: scheduling `testfile' for removal
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to remove this file permanently
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository commit \
-m "removed testfile" testfile
Removing testfile;
/usr/local/cvs/soar/testfile,v <-- testfile
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1
Through three commands, file testfile is removed locally and in the CVS repository.
Directories are removed slightly differently as CVS doesn't use version control for them. The steps to remove a directory are
to remove all the files in it locally and then to remove all the corresponding files in the directory in the repository by using the CVS commands
remove and commit. Then the CVS update command is run with the -P (pruning) option to remove empty directories
in the local working copy. The empty directory will stay in the CVS repository, but will not be added in future plain updates as CVS
doesn't automatically send new directories in updates. In the following example, the update with -P option is run and the test/
directory is removed from the local file system:
# cvs -d :ext:USERNAME@HOSTNAME:/path/to/repository update -P
cvs server: Updating .
cvs server: Updating docs
cvs server: Updating docs/scripts
cvs server: Updating source
cvs server: Updating source/images
cvs server: Updating test
- Fogel, Karl and Moshe Bar. 2001. Open Source Development with CVS. 2nd ed.
Scottsdale, AZ: The Coriolis Group, LLC.