Installing BIND 9.2.0rc9

This page covers installing BIND 9.2.0 release candidate 9 and using it for a DNSSEC domain.  The configure script is used to set all the environment options for DNSSEC the options I used are explained below it.  This HowTo will be broken up into different sections, the first one is to install bind.

  1. As usual, obtain the latest source from (opens a new browser) and unpackage it.
       #gzip -cd bind-9.2.0rc9.tar .gz | tar xvf -
  2. Change to the new bind-9.2.0rc9 directory and run the configure script using the following options:
      # cd bind-9.2.0rc9
      # ./configure \
       --with-openssl=/usr/local/openssl \
       --prefix=/usr/local/bind \
       --sysconfdir=/etc \
       --sbindir=/usr/local/sbin \
       --bindir=/usr/local/bin \
       --mandir=/usr/share/man \
    • To use DNSSEC you must have OpenSSL installed.  To install it, see the OpenSSL section on the Apache + SSL page.  Use the following option with configure to let it know where OpenSSL is installed.
    • The default location for the named.conf file is in /etc. To change it, use:
    • To change the location of named and its libraries, use:
      The default is /usr/local.  If you use --prefix, the sysconfdir changes to {prefix}/etc and localstatedir changes to {prefix}/var.
    • Set the system binaries to be installed to /usr/local/sbin with
      the default is {prefix}/sbin.
    • Set the user binaries to be installed to /usr/local/bin with
      the default is {prefix}/bin.
    • Specify the directory that make install will install the man pages to with the following option:
  3. Next make the binaries with:
       # make
  4. Next install the binaries and man pages with:
       # make install
  5. Now BIND should be installed.  There is no default named.conf file or startup script when BIND is installed, so I'll go over these on the next page.